Technology and business executive Susan Wojcicki has died. She was 56 years old. In a Facebook post Wojcicki's husband, Dennis Troper, broke the news.

Wojcicki lost her battle with lung cancer. "It is with profound sadness that I share the news of Susan Wojcicki passing," he wrote. "My beloved wife of 26 years and mother to our five children left us today after 2 years of living with non small cell lung cancer.

" Wojcicki leaves behind her husband and four children. "Susan was not just my best friend and partner in life, but a brilliant mind, a loving mother, and a dear friend to many. Her impact on our family and the world was immeasurable," Troper wrote.

"We are heartbroken, but grateful for the time we had with her. Please keep our family in your thoughts as we navigate this difficult time." According to , she graduated from in 1990 after gaining a Bachelor of Arts degree in History and Literature.

In 1993, she gained her Masters of Science degree in Economics from the . Finally in 1998 Wojcicki got her Masters in Business Administration in Economics from the . Wojcicki joined in 1999 to become one of the first few employees of the web search leader, years before it acquired .

Google bought YouTube in 2006 for $1.65 billion. Before becoming CEO of YouTube in 2014, Wojcicki was senior vice president for ad products at Google.

After nine years at the helm, Wojcicki stepped down from her role at YouTube in 2023 to focus on "family, health, and personal projects". She was repla.