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There’s nothing more surprising than seeing a seven-year-old game silently get a new patch update, and exactly this has happened to Nier Automata, of all games. This time, the 1.07 patch has been deployed to seemingly fix a long-standing bug that has plagued PS5 players for years, namely the crater crash bug.

Square Enix was seemingly deaf to this issue, as the game-breaking issue has been present in the PS5 version of the game since the console was released. For those counting, that’s four years of pain for people playing Nier Automata on PS5. The crash wasn’t an issue on the PS4, and this might just be because there has never been a PS5 performance patch for Nier.

The crater crash is an issue where the game completely shuts down when you reach a certain part of the game in new-game plus. You don’t have to look far on the game’s Reddit to see that this bug has been harassing people for years and it is likely the most requested bug fix people have raised tickets for about the game. Finally, to respond to the crashing issues, Square released patch 1.

07 to address these problems. The update has been made available on the PS4 and PS5, but the crater crash is specifically a PS5 problem. It appears that the surprise update has also fixed other instances of the game crashing.

The is alive with comments about the patch, with many people co.