I've been having a tough time figuring out what I want to play recently, so I thought a good cure for that would be to play something a bit nostalgic. A favourite from my childhood, maybe, and while watching a very fun Ratchet and Clank speedrun from this year's Summer Games Done Quick, I quickly came to the conclusion that this was the one I wanted to revisit. It had been a while, after all, and despite getting right to the final boss, I never actually managed to beat the game, so I wanted to set myself the challenge of beating it.

I still own my PS2 and my original copy of it, but I also didn't really want to have to deal with the hassle of setting it up, let alone not have the modern luxury of the PS4 and PS5's rest mode. Luckily, I also owned the HD collection of the first three games for my PS Vita - remember that old thing? - and that felt like the best way to go about it. It meant I could just lie down on the sofa, or take it with me to bed, and pick it up a little bit at a time, or even on the go.

I hadn't played on my Vita in a while, a console purchase that was arguably a mistake in the grand scheme of things, but over the course of my playthrough of Ratchet and Clank I couldn't help but think...

Sony should make another one of these things. Yes, I know it didn't sell all that well, with estimates of around 16 million lifetime units sold, a far cry from the PlayStation Portable's 80 million. But it really was ahead of its time, a console that could play intensive, h.