Good morning! I apologize for the absence these past couple of Sundays, but, as most of you probably know, my sister Katie lost her battle with cancer a couple of weeks ago and I’ve been taking some family time. I appreciate the many, many kind messages I’ve received over the past couple of weeks. They have all been uplifting.

It was also touching to walk back into my office this week and find a pile of good, old-fashioned mail from people expressing condolences. Thanks to all of you who took the time to do that. We all probably have a tendency to get a bit cynical about our fellow man or woman, especially after too much exposure to social media, but it never fails to amaze me how kind people are when the chips are down.

It was a shocker this week when Mayor Sandy Stimpson announced he will not be seeking a fourth term next year. Stimpson had seemed like he was set up for another four years running the city, but says after consulting with his family he realized it’s time to spend some quality time with his wife, children and grandchildren. NOTE: When speaking about running the city as a business, Mayor Stimpson misspoke and said the city could be considered a $530 billion corporation when he meant to say $5.

3 billion. The mayor came over to Lagniappe Friday afternoon and sat down for an exclusive conversation about the decision, as well as his time in office so far and what he expects to do in the remaining 14 months. One thing he said he’s determined not to be is a l.