Catherine Delahaye It has been quite a while since my last post (an April 2023 Portfolio Update ) and I wanted to check back in with an update on my portfolio and my status here on Seeking Alpha. I’ve been a dividend growth investor for a number of years, and have enjoyed the low-turnover, diversified approach to running my book. I’ve been focused on dividend income in the hope that I’d be able to live off of it one day.

That is still my central goal, to live off my portfolio, but the last year has changed how I looked at how to arrive at that goal. Some major life events over the last 15 months: My family welcomed our second child My job got significantly more time consuming I left said job I got a new job with more free time but still quite time consuming Given limited time due to previous items, I’m left between deciding whether to run, write, read or manage my portfolio Managing one’s portfolio is divided into two separate buckets: Maintenance Idea generation Left with a dwindling amount of time, I had to reprioritize my life around the things that I (first) need to do and (second) want to do. Obviously, family time and work are the top two, so the remaining time has to be allocated between my other passions of reading, running, writing, and managing my portfolio.

It’s not difficult to see why Seeking Alpha initially fell to the backburner. The reasons I loved writing on Seeking Alpha (forming my thoughts, holding myself accountable, crowdsourcing ideas, engag.