Suga of BTS arrives at Yongsan Police Station in Seoul for questioning by the police on Friday evening. | Image: Yonhap via The Korea Herald Suga of BTS showed up for his first round of questioning at Yongsan Police Station in Seoul around 7:45 p.m.

Friday in connection with allegations he was drunk while riding an electric scooter. “I am deeply sorry. I sincerely regret disappointing my fans and the public.

I will cooperate with the investigation. Once again, I apologize,” said Suga upon getting out of his car with a serious expression and bowing in front of reporters at the scene. When questioned by reporters about why he did not go to the police station immediately after being caught on Aug.

6 and whether his claim of having only drunk one beer was true, Suga did not respond and instead entered the police station. According to the police, Suga is accused of driving an electric scooter under the influence of alcohol on Aug. 6 in the Hanam-dong area of Yongsan District.

In Korea, electric scooters are classified as vehicles under the Road Traffic Act. Police confirmed that his blood alcohol concentration at the time was measured at 0.227 percent, significantly above the license suspension threshold of 0.

08 percent. The police are currently investigating the circumstances of the incident, including his level of alcohol consumption and the route he drove under the influence. They are also examining issues related to Suga’s alleged attempt to minimize the severity of the .