Actor Sudheer Babu and director Ajay Bhupathi have called out Hindi actor Arshad Warsi over his remarks that Telugu star Prabhas was made to look "like a joker" in the film, saying there's a way to express an opinion and bad-mouthing anyone isn't okay. Last week, Warsi was asked in a podcast what was the last bad film he watched and the Munna Bhai star said it was Kalki 2898 AD . While the actor was all praise about Amitabh Bachchan’s performance, he said Prabhas “was like a joker” in the blockbuster movie, a comment that didn’t go down well with fans as well as the Telugu film fraternity.

Sudheer Babu, known for Telugu film Sammohanam and Hindi movie Baaghi , said he never expected the "absence of professionalism" from Warsi. It's okay to criticize constructively but it's never okay to bad-mouth. Never expected the absence of professionalism from Arshad Warsi.

Prabhas's stature is too big for comments coming from small minds.. Bhupathi, popular for directing Telugu film RX 100 , accused Warsi of being jealous of the Baahubali star.

#Prabhas is the man who has given everything & will do anything to take Indian Cinema to the world audience, a Pride of our nation. We can see the jealousy on that film, on him in your eyes just because you've faded out & no one gives an eye to you. There's a limit & a way to.

.. On the Unfiltered by Samdish podcast, Warsi said he was “sad” that Prabhas was made to look “like a joker” in Kalki 2898 AD .

"Amit ji was unbelievable...
