Publisher United Label popped up at the Future Games Show to announce that the gorgeous pixel art RPG Beyond Galaxyland will be entering hyperspace and soaring over to Switch on 24th September . Inspired by sci-fi movies of the 1980s and classic RPGs, Beyond Galaxyland is bound to tick a lot of boxes for a lot of people. You'll play as Doug, an ordinary human whisked away from planet Earth moments before its destruction.

In your journey across the cosmos, you'll build up a motley crew of companions to assist in your quest to uncover the universe's secrets and try to find a way to restore Earth. The 2.5D pixel art is quite the sight to behold and developer Sam ‘EnrightBeats’ Enright has thrown in a generous helping of familiar RPG mechanics to keep the retro vibes flowing.

It's not all a trip down memory lane, mind you. Beyond Galaxyland looks to split your time between the expected turn-based battles, platforming, puzzle solving and a monster-catching mechanic that will undoubtedly leave us wanting to catch 'em all. Here's a closer look at some of the game's features and a handful of screenshots to whet your appetite.

● Active turn-based combat: Engage in strategic turn-based battles against a vast range of galactic nemeses, with time-responsive defensive gameplay to minimise damage. Each party member has a range of unique abilities at their disposal, but for an additional tactical advantage, sneakily scan your enemy pre-battle to discover their strengths and weaknesses.