Following the Mediterranean diet versus the traditional Western diet might make you feel like you're under less stress, according to new research conducted by a team from Binghamton University, State University of New York. The findings suggest that people can lower their perception of how much stress they can tolerate by following a Mediterranean diet, said Lina Begdache, associate professor of health and wellness studies. Stress is recognized to be a precursor to mental distress, and research, including our own, has demonstrated that the Mediterranean diet lowers mental distress.

Thus, one element of the puzzle may be explained by the fact that the Mediterranean diet may be associated with a decrease in the negative components of perceived stress and an improvement in its positive attributes." Lina Begdache, associate professor of health and wellness studies, Binghamton University The Mediterranean diet is plant-based with healthy fats and mostly includes wholesome food and a spectrum of natural colors. The diet stands in sharp contrast to the Western diet, which is known for its high concentration of high-glycemic and low-quality processed foods.

While the Mediterranean diet is known for its benefits to both mental health and physical health, little is known about its effect on perceived stress, which is the idea of how much stress you are under at any particular time. Related Stories Vegan diet may slow aging Study finds link between healthy diet with less sugar and young.