Scientists at Indiana University, USA, have explored age-related disparities in orgasm rates from sexual intercourse by gender and sexual orientation. The study is published in the journal Sexual Medicine . Study: The lifelong orgasm gap: exploring age’s impact on orgasm rates .

Image Credit: Aloha Hawaii / Shutterstock Orgasm is a psychophysiological response to sexual stimulation, characterized by muscle contractions, hormonal changes, and tension release. It contributes significantly to sexual satisfaction and well-being. An absence of orgasm may lead to distress and relationship challenges.

A variation in orgasm rate has been observed across genders and sexual orientations, with heterosexual women exhibiting comparatively lower orgasm rates than men and homosexual women. Such disparities might be associated with biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors that influence sexual pleasure. In this study, scientists have determined the differences in orgasm rates across adult age groups, genders, and sexual orientations.

Understanding these variations is crucial for addressing developmental influences on sexual health and designing interventions to enhance sexual functioning throughout life. The scientists analyzed data collected from eight cross-sectional surveys conducted in the United States between 2015 and 2023. The final analytic sample included a total of 24,752 participants with an age range of 18 – 100 years.

Participants’ responses on their average or.