Researchers in Michigan State University's Department of Kinesiology found significant geographic variations in concussion diagnoses in United States emergency departments -; with the highest rates in the South and lower rates in the Midwest and Northeast. The study, published by the Journal of Safety Research , analyzed a public database of emergency department visits from 2010 to 2018, focusing on sport-related concussions, or SRC, and nonsport-related concussions, or NSRC. The study authors, from MSU's College of Education and the University of Pittsburgh , found over 1,150 emergency department visits were due to concussions, which equates to more than 7 million visits nationwide, according to the probability sampling method used.

Regional differences In terms of the regional differences, the South's frequency of concussion diagnoses in emergency departments was the highest, which could be attributed to the region's high population density. Additionally, the research notes that regional differences in health care utilization might contribute to the higher number of reported concussions in the South and the lower odds of concussions diagnosed in the Midwest and Northeast. "Our findings highlight not only the disparities in concussion diagnoses across different regions but also emphasize the need for tailored public health strategies to address these variations effectively," said Aaron Zynda, the study's first author and a Department of Kinesiology Doctoral Program graduate.
