(Photo by cottonbro studio via Pexels) Eating may help to prevent Parkinson’s disease, suggests a new study. Ecklonia cava, a brown algae , can protect people from the world’s fastest-growing neurodegenerative disorder, say scientists. is caused by the loss of neurons that produce dopamine, a neurotransmitter involved in movement control and thinking.

As the global population ages, the number of patients is rapidly increasing with nearly 10 million worldwide. is induced by neuronal damage due to excessive production of reactive oxygen species. Scientists say suppression of reactive oxygen species generation is "essential" because it is fatal to dopaminergic neurons that manage dopamine neurotransmitters.

Karen Cann Currently, only symptomatic treatment is available. Now a Japanese research team has verified the physiological effect of Ecklonia cava polyphenols, antioxidants, for the prevention of Parkinson’s. The researchers conducted two types of motor function tests using Parkinson’s disease model mice that were orally fed the antioxidants daily for a week and then administered rotenone, a naturally occurring compound found in the roots of several plant species.

The findings, published in the journal , showed that motor function, which was decreased by rotenone, was restored. Research leader Professor Akiko Kojima-Yuasa said there was also improvement in intestinal motor function and the colon mucosa structure, a special tissue that covers the colon. Ecklonia cava i.