From turmeric to green tea, many botanicals we commonly use as herbal remedies pose a threat to our liver if we indulge too much. A new survey from the University of Michigan estimates up to 18.6 million people in the US make use of at least one of these herbal remedies with liver-damaging potential.

When used in moderation, herbs like and other plant-based supplements can provide us with benefits. In concentrated forms, such as capsules, it's on them. due to herbally-induced liver problems are .

"The safety and efficacy of herbal and dietary supplements are not well established due to the lack of regulatory requirements by the US Food and Drug Administration for human pharmacokinetic or prospective prior to marketing," hepatologist Alisa Likhitsup and colleagues . Using data on 9,685 people enrolled in the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), the researchers found the six most commonly consumed herbal products are typically used to treat conditions such as high cholesterol, , and pain, and are also often implicated in livery injury. Rates of drug induced liver injury from these supplements nearly , from 7 percent in 2004 to 20 percent by 2014.

"The most commonly implicated botanical products ...

include turmeric, , green tea extract, and , with potentially severe and even fatal liver injury," Likhitsup and team . Liver injury can be hard to diagnose until it becomes severe. include feeling tired, having a low appetite and losing weight.

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