Students Festival of Arts or Festival Estudiantil de las Artes (FEA) in Spanish is an activity that is participated by a great number of students across the country and Chirripó is not the exception. For this 2024 session Liceo Rural Jak Kjuo Sulo was chosen by the committee members as the right location to host such event.

However, for many students from different schools this means another challenge that they have to face in order to represent the school in the right way. Such challenges mean walking for several hours back and forth, hiking hills, walking muddy trails under the pouring rain, crossing dangerous bridge to name some obstacles. Nevertheless, the sensation is unique the simply having the chance to represent the school on stage is what make each participant to feel proud whether it is from primary school or secondary school.

This school talent show involves activities such as singing, dancing and arts that is unique in indigenous culture and it covers millennial knowledge and experience that is passed by the ancestors through history and storytelling. To perform well on-stage students, have to take practice and rehearsal after school class and many have to develop some specific skills in order to raise the competition among participants. Extracurricular activity is also considered as the best chance for students to practice and develop the skills needed prior to the occasion.

It also gives the chance to students to go out of the comfor.