If there’s one thing first-time pet owners should know, it’s that those tiny paws and sweet puppy eyes can sometimes bring unexpected feelings of sadness. Puppies might be the world’s greatest delight, but the reality of puppy blues is equally true. In fact, a recent study from the University of Helsinki reveals that some dog owners experience emotions similar to postnatal baby blues.

Bringing a puppy into one’s life can be as transformative as adding a baby to the family. “The puppy stage gives rise to a variety of worries, mood swings, irritability, and sometimes, difficulty bonding with the dog that feels at odds with what you’re “supposed” to feel raising something so cute,” wrote Huff Post in a 2023 article. Study The study’s lead author, Aada Ståhl, a psychologist and doctoral student at the University of Helsinki, observed that both pet parents and human parents can experience anxiety and depression-like symptoms when a new family member arrives, though these typically subside with time.

“The study found that these so-called ‘puppy blues’ manifest in three ways: anxiety, frustration and weariness. These often occur concurrently, but in some cases one or two of the three may be particularly prominent,” said psychologist and doctoral researcher Aada Ståhl. Many pet owners may worry if they are doing enough for their puppy’s development or if they have spent enough time bonding.

Doubts can creep in, leading them to question whether bringi.