Parenting teens can be as , and those in the throes of this tricky time of child-rearing realise that . Some experts are even calling for and support groups for parents similar to the antenatal and mother and baby groups that would've been available to them when their teens were babies. You often hear parents of young children talking about them being 'strong willed', and also speak of this as something that will pass.

However, more parents are making a realisation - strong willed children can become even more strong willed teenagers. is a registered Psychotherapist and mum of three, who specialises in supporting parents and families. On her popular Instagram account, Jess shared how she supported a family who had a poor relationship with their strong willed teen.

The parents described to Jess how their 16-year-old daughter never listened to them, calling her 'always stubborn and strong willed.' All the advice they had until that moment told them to 'break her will' to earn her respect. They turned to Jess for the best advice on how to do this.

Instead, Jess asked them when they last felt connected to their daughter. Having gone to Jess looking for ways to punish their daughter, the parents were baffled that she'd suggest connection. However, they agreed to spend one week nurturing and forging connections with their teen, and tried the following suggestions.

Jess reports that just one week later, the parents returned to her in tears, seeing huge changes in their daughter. The.