SENEDD Members have objected to plans for holiday cabins on land off a main road near Llangollen. A planning application has been submitted for Denbighshire Council for the siting of 15 holiday cabins, a toilet/shower unit and associated works on land at Bryn Oerog, situated just off the A539 between Llangollen and Trevor. The applicant state in planning documents: "It is considered that the development would accord with all local and national planning policy contained within the Denbighshire County Council’s Local Development Plan and Planning Policy Wales.

"It is considered that the proposals are sympathetic to the setting and are considered to have minimal impact on the surroundings. It is therefore requested that planning permission be granted. The application has.

however, received objections from local residents, organisations and North Wales Senedd Members Carolyn Thomas and Mark Isherwood. The site in question has been subject to a previous planning enforcement notice due to an illegal caravan site. (Image: Planning documents) In an objection included in planning documents, Carolyn Thomas MS said: "The Welsh Government's Planning and Environment Decisions Wales (PEDW) subsequently ruled that the land should be used for agricultural purposes only and never as a caravan site.

"The field is also in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and is within the World Heritage Site." The applicant has said it doesn't contravene planning policy as the proposal is for lodges, rat.