Gateway to My Soul, an exhibition of paintings and photographs by Vinod Marar at Prussian Blue Art Hub is an insightful summary of the artist’s life. Most of the works, in acrylic and water colour, are an expression of his deepest emotions – hopes, victories and insecurities. An IT professional based in the UK, Vinod had little connection to art until after 2005 when he suffered a stroke.

Vinod spent over a year in the hospital and the right side of his body was paralysed. During his days of rehabilitation and acclimatising to a new way of life, Vinod discovered painting. He was part of a Stroke Club, where he got introduced to art as a hobby.

He gradually learnt how to paint with his left hand and soon discovered that art gave him a space to reinvent himself and express his innermost feelings. One of the works by Vinod Marar| Photo Credit:Special Arrangement “Soon after the incident, he had lost his memory; he could only recognise a few people. The journey to where he is now has been long and difficult.

Though his situation has improved considerably, even today, he finds it difficult to talk, walk and memorise. Art has been therapeutic for him,” says Ambili Mohan, Vinod’s cousin, who is based in Aluva and who helped Vinod organise the show in Kochi. Since 2010, he has been part of exhibitions in the UK and he had always wanted to exhibit his works in his Kerala.

“When Ambili came to the gallery, she spoke about Vinod and I felt it was an inspiring story. To be ab.