Fox News contributor Dr. Marc Siegel breaks down frightening statistics about stroke cases in the U.S.

and reacts to a study showing that marijuana use is outpacing alcohol use. Strokes are the fifth leading cause of death in the United States and a leading cause of disability, according to the American Stroke Association. "Stroke is injury to the brain from impairment of blood flow," Dr.

Sandeep Kumar, Department of Neurology, Stroke Division, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts, told Fox News Digital in an email. "A normal blood supply is vital for the brain to function normally and for preservation of its structure. Interruption of the blood flow deprives the affected parts of the brain from receiving oxygen and other nutrients with the result that these tissues start disintegrating rapidly.

" 5 WOMEN'S HEALTH TIPS TO PREVENT AND DETECT STROKES, ACCORDING TO CARDIOLOGISTS When a person suffers from a stroke, it can affect their ability to speak and comprehend, Dr. Kumar noted. There can also be a loss of sensation in different parts of the body, loss of vision or an inability to walk or stand.

If you notice someone experiencing stroke symptoms, it's vital to get them medical help right away. (iStock) Read on to learn more about stroke symptoms, preventative measures you can take and the road to recovery. What are the different types of strokes? What are the main symptoms of a stroke? What can I do to prevent a stroke? What is the recovery process a.