Shraddha Kapoor’s latest release ‘Stree 2’ has been doing wonders at the box office. After entering the within a week, Shraddha celebrates another milestone as she’s garnered more followers on Instagram than Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Shraddha has 91.

4 million followers, while PM Modi has 91.3 million followers on the platform. ADVERTISEMENT Be it videos of her gorging on 'vada pavs', chilling with her father-actor Shakti Kapoor or just sharing morning selfies, actress Shraddha Kapoor is a relatable star on social media, where she says she can share the regular parts of her life with her fans and be in her "real zone.

" When asked how important social media validation is for her, Shraddha told IANS, "I don't see it as social media validation but I see it as a way of being in touch with my fans and people who have loved and supported me because they have really showered me with a lot of love. I love that I share the regular parts of my life with them. When they say 'Main bhi chashmish hun,' 'Mujhe vada pav pasand hai'.

.. I feel I can share my real zone.

.." "I feel ok someone is going to say something in the comment from which I might get an idea of what I can eat next or next time what eyewear should I get.

Someone or the other relates and I love that. I think that it is so refreshing on that medium, on social media, relatability is there with people,” she added. That being said, Virat Kohli and Priyanka Chopra Jonas remain the most-followed Indian celebrities on I.