nfortunately, separations are never easy. Even less so when money is involved. When luxury goods or large sums of money are added to the process, the situation can be even worse, as it is relatively easy for everything to spiral out of control.

This is precisely what has happened to , one of the world's most famous English-speaking . According to mein-mmo, the content creator bought a in December 2021. At the time, he paid around $327,692.

09. At the exchange rate, almost 300,000 euros. However, he didn't have a driving licence at the time, so he decided to put the car in the name of his then-partner: .

Eventually, they broke up, and apparently it was she who kept the car. The problem came later, when, according to , Adept decided to sell the car (on 11 December 2023) for just over $200,000. xQc sues Adept, his ex-partner, for $500,000 And this is where it all gets messy.

were never married, but she considered that she was practically acting as his wife under a special law. This would be the one she used to claim ownership of both this and another car (a BMW X6M 2022) that she retains. And this is where the whole mess lies.

According to various court documents collected by @iqkev, Adept allegedly used the BMW as an everyday vehicle, but did not ask xQc for permission either to make the relevant payments or to use it on a regular basis. Among other things, it seems that Adept registered this BMW for a total of 1,500 dollars without consulting xQc. The fact is that it is actuall.