Newfoundland and Labrador documentary filmmaker Jamie Miller is helping bring a unique part of her province's popular culture to the screen. "In our generation, we grew up turning on our news station in the middle of the night and seeing just bonkers psychedelia content," she said of her upbringing in St. John's watching NTV, the local television network co-founded by media mogul Geoffrey Stirling.

"Interviews with eastern spirituality leaders, live feeds of fish tanks, UFO footage, Captain Newfoundland green screened on top of classic music videos, all kinds of stuff." The station bills itself on its website as having become the first 24-hour TV station in the world in the 1970s and is still owned by the Stirling family today. The Captain Newfoundland comic, which ran in local Newfoundland and Labrador papers since the 1970s, also featured Captain Canada (seen on the left side of the mural).

(86 Media House) The story of Stirling, and the Captain Newfoundland character he created with his son, are set to be told in a documentary co-directed by Miller, 34 and Mike Feehan, 36, who live down the street from each other in St. John's. The project was one of a number of Canadian documentaries to get a funding boost this week, as Telefilm announced investments in 21 projects Thursday, totalling $4.

9 million. Fighting bad guys with meditation Captain Newfoundland, the blue-cloaked "spirit of Newfoundland" with a face in the shape of the island, started appearing as a comic strip in .