Sodiq Ojuroungbe Leading fertility specialists say couples intending to have children should desist from eating stock fish and other large fish due to potential infertility risks associated with heavy metal contamination. The experts noted that adopting a healthier lifestyle and minimising exposure to toxins could help enhance fertility and improve overall reproductive outcomes. Speaking exclusively with PUNCH Healthwise, the reproductive experts cautioned against excessive sugar consumption, artificial sweeteners, and genetically modified foods.

They stressed the importance of a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress reduction to improve fertility. The leading reproductive experts, however, urged couples struggling to conceive to seek medical attention and consider fertility treatments if necessary. The World Health Organisation in 2023 stated that about 17.

5 per cent of the adult population, representing one in six people, worldwide experience infertility. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention also warned that globally, the infertility rate is on the rise. The CDC defined infertility as the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected sex.

Additionally, according to the Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey conducted in 2018, about 25 per cent of married women in Nigeria are experiencing primary infertility, while 16 per cent are experiencing secondary infertility. The report noted that these figures highlight the significant prevalence of infertility i.