KEN Mode founding members Jesse and Shane Matthewson didn’t know as kids that they’d grow up to become lifelong purveyors of dissonant, thrashing and brooding noise rock, but in retrospect, there were a few early hints. Read this article for free: Already have an account? To continue reading, please subscribe: * KEN Mode founding members Jesse and Shane Matthewson didn’t know as kids that they’d grow up to become lifelong purveyors of dissonant, thrashing and brooding noise rock, but in retrospect, there were a few early hints. Read unlimited articles for free today: Already have an account? KEN Mode founding members Jesse and Shane Matthewson didn’t know as kids that they’d grow up to become lifelong purveyors of dissonant, thrashing and brooding noise rock, but in retrospect, there were a few early hints.

“The types of toys we were drawn to as kids were always the more f—ed up ones,” says guitarist Jesse Matthewson, 41. “I always chose the bad guys. He-Man always won, so to me, they were more interesting-looking.

I guess darker versions of art and darker aspects of life were just more attractive. I don’t understand why. Maybe that’s a mental-illness thing.

I don’t know.” Supplied KEN Mode, from left: Shane and Jesse Matthewson, Skot Hamilton and Kathryn Kerr. As adolescents only beginning to seek out order amid perceived unfairness, cruelty and chaos, the Matthewsons listened to , with Nirvana’s 1993 album — produced by Steve Albini — servi.