"I now spend my days trying to decode a language that sounds like a mix between a cat with a hairball and a malfunctioning robot." Photo: Getty I’ve had to develop some Enigma levels of code-breaking skills. Rori, bless her tiny heart, has decided that the letters S and L and a few others are entirely optional in her vocabulary.

I now spend my days trying to decode a language that sounds like a mix between a cat with a hairball and a malfunctioning robot. I realised we had moved into this phase when, one evening, she stood in front of the television half-screaming, half-crying but fully demanding “Kay away”. At first, I thought she was auditioning for a role in a horror movie, with that raspy, furball-coughing sound.

I replied with various options and guesses of what I thought she wanted. Each wrong guess sent her further into the irate psychosis she was firmly embodying now. Join the Irish Independent WhatsApp channel Stay up to date with all the latest news.