The Manxman was once the queen of the Irish Sea and a jewel in the crown of the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company. Driven by steam turbines, she powered along routes from the Isle of Man to ports in north west England, north Wales, Ireland and southern Scotland. But she would later go on to endure a rather chequered history and an ignominious end after her final sailing in 1982.

The Manxman was built in 1955 and proudly served the island for almost 30 years. A deep dive into the Manx Nature Reserve of Port Erin Bay Full list of affected bus services today as some 'suffer cancellations' Man, 56, resisted police arrest outside Douglas nightspot Man denies biting owners in altercation at seafront hotel The vessel was even cast in the role of RMS Carpathia for the 1979 film S.O.

S. Titanic. The Isle of Man Steam Packet Company announced that 1982 would be the Manxman's last year in Steam Packet service.

The ship was offered to the Manxman Steamer Society who ran a Liverpool to Douglas day excursion entitled Steam All The Way. On arrival at Douglas, passengers were able to travel by steam train to Port Erin on the Isle of Man Railway. On September 4, 1982, Manxman departed Liverpool with her last ever sailing for the Isle of Man Steam Packet.

That evening departure the Manxman left Douglas behind for good. With the Onchan Silver Band playing, and a flotilla of small vessels accompanying her, she set sail for Liverpool one last time. After arrival, she was to be laid up at Birkenhead.