So, we recently asked stay-at-home moms in the BuzzFeed Community to share how and why it's different than being a "tradwife." Here are their stories: 2. "Tradwife = 'perfect life'; while a SAHM is selfless, underpaid, and unappreciated.

" —Anonymous from California 4. "Being a SAHM isn't about putting on a persona like 'tradwives' for the perfect Instagram post. It is vulnerable and authentic to stay home keeping little humans alive and healthy all day.

I had a pretty decent career before having the opportunity to be a SAHM, and I can honestly say there is nothing more meaningful or breathtaking than being your kid's whole universe. It's not about the traditional roles of being a woman, it's about the magic of discovering the world with a person you made and nurturing them into a healthy and compassionate adult who will one day go out and choose their adventure." — maskedturtle79 6.

"I'm a SAHM because someone needs to take care of our son who is disabled and needs 24/7 care. I do it instead of my husband because I have medical training and am the most organized. I also still work outside the home a couple of days when the kids are at school or my husband can stay home with them.

My husband goes to work full-time, and when he comes home, he does the dishes and helps put the kids to bed. Ours is a partnership. If there are some days we have cereal for dinner or the laundry doesn't get folded, he just rolls with it.

Tradwives seem to be some sort of unattainable male idea o.