Lorenwood Drive in Hermitage. HERMITAGE — A state grant will help city officials expand the trail system at the Hermitage Athletic Complex and improve a nearby neighborhood. The City of Hermitage's $330,000 grant comes from PennDOT's Multimodal Transportation Fund, according to a press release.

Hermitage Assistant City Manager Gary Gulla said this grant will help the city extending trails within the complex and paving the entirety of Lorenwood Drive, a neighborhood just west of the complex. Hermitage officials previously received a $350,000 grant in August 2023 — also from the Multimodal Transportation Fund. That prior grant is being used to fund the first phase of the project, which will involve connecting the Hermitage Athletic Complex's trail system to the Lorenwood Drive neighborhood.

Gulla said city officials have received the engineering proposals for the first phase on Friday, and that construction could begin by early 2025. For the project's second phase, which will be funded through this latest grant, construction may begin in either late 2025 or early 2026, Gulla said. State Sen.

Michele Brooks (R-50, Jamestown) said in the release that outdoor recreational facilities like the Hermitage Athletic Complex enhance the quality of life for local families. The complex's fields, playgrounds and other amenities provide places for children to play and exercise, which are important for physical and mental health. The complex also serves as a social gathering place for tho.