The easiest way to find the constellation is to look for the large square body, marked by four stars.
The easiest way to find the constellation is to look for the large square body, marked by four starsWe will start the month with a look at one of the night sky’s mythical creatures: Pegasus, the winged horse. According to Greek myth, Pegasus was ridden by the hero Perseus in his quest to save the beautiful Andromeda from the dreaded sea monster Cetus.The constellation is one of 48 listed by Ptolemy in the second century. The easiest way to spot Pegasus is to look for the large square body, marked by the stars Scheat, Markab, Algenib and Alpheratz. From the northern hemisphere, the horse is depicted as being upside down, with the neck represented by the star Homam and the snout by Enif. Continue reading...
The easiest way to find the constellation is to look for the large square body, marked by four stars.