Summary Tyrone Power, a Hollywood Walk of Fame awardee, served in the Navy as a US Marine in the Pacific battles during World War II. Power, a renowned box office star pre-war, enlisted at age 28 and flew missions during the battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa. After World War II, Power starred in 20 movies, like "American Guerrilla in the Philippines" and rose to Captain in the Marine Reserves.

Tyrone Power has a distinction that few have earned—a Hollywood Walk of Fame star. People in the movie industry often rue the fact that his life was tragically cut short at the age of 44. The actor descended from a long list of theater actors: his great-grandfather was William Grattan Tyrone Power, who also had the stage name Tyrone Power.

However, not many people know that the Hollywood star also served in the Navy during World War II. By popular demand, these are the WW2 6-engine aircraft you seek. From early childhood to naval aviation service during World War II Tyrone Power was born the year World War I started, 1914.

He had strong ties with the literature and movie scene, as his family, besides having a strong lineage in the theater circle, was also related to novelists such as Evelyn Waugh, Sir (William) Tyrone Guthrie (the first director of the Stratford Festival in Canada), and Laurence Olivier, among others. Power went to Hollywood in 1936, and his strikingly good looks, alongside his prowess as an actor, led him to star in various movies. Some of the most popular include: A Y.