Ubisoft has revealed the full rundown of what you can expect from Star Wars Outlaws post-launch season pass content, with two story focused DLC packs set to feature fan favourite chracters now pencilled in for later this year and early next. These two story packs will fit in alongside the exclusive mission starring Jabba the Hutt which Ubisoft faced backlash for attatching to the season pass earlier this year, with the publisher subsequently confirming that Jabba and his cartel will also pop up in the base game. However, before you panic, both packs will "also be available for separate purchase" outside of the season pass.

The first story pack - dubbed "Wild Card" - is set to release in fall 2024. "Kay is hired to infiltrate a high-stakes Sabacc tournament," the summary reads, "but as she crosses paths with the notorious gambler Lando Calrissian, she soon learns that another game is being played." Yep, it looks like yoy may well get to do a bit of gambling with the guy who famously lost a certain souped-up Corellian freighter in a game of cards.

But hey, it's not like it was Sabacc that Lando was playing when he ended up forking over the keys to the Millenium Falcon to Han Solo. Oh wait, it looks like that's exactly what happened. Hey, it's ok Mr Calrissian, you'll have Kay by your side to keep you away from the tables and stop this deal getting worse all the time, even if Vader's likely not around to alter it.

That pack will also launch alongside some extra cosmetics for Kay.