I always had the funny bone and thought why not explore it. I have been killing and getting killed all my life. I am a jocular person and have quite a few tales to tell, which are funny.

So I chanced upon stand-up comedy. And here I am, I think I am the youngest 59 year old stand-up comic, who was born on March 31, 2024. So I am a late delivery.

I have had so many amazing things happening in my life—tragedies and mishaps are huge material and quite a few of them in my life. So I am sourcing the material right where I am—from my childhood till now. In fact, one of the things about stand-up comedy is that we must be really careful because people nowadays are touchy.

They are upset if you joke about them. So I found one person who is okay with me joking about him and that’s me. So I am having a laugh at myself.

Yes, it’s a growing script and material. It changes with every room. There are clubs and then there are lounge bars.

And then there are just rooms where there are people sitting and there’s a microphone there and you are performing. So it’s very, very different. And I am just enjoying it.

For an actor, it’s somebody who’s been doing theatre, it’s something like returning to theatre with less or no props, just that microphone, the actor, and the audience. And the audience, unlike in the theatre, are not quiet but enjoying it and laughing. They are saying something they want and in between that, you are doing your piece.

To be honest, I am very particular .