After taking the decision to pull the plug on the long-awaited Barzakh following the tidal wave of backlash against controversial themes explored in the show, director Asim Abbasi took to X to share a heartwarming tribute to those who had supported his vision. "No story of mine is worth more than the safety of all the beautiful, talented artists who came together to craft it," expressed Abbasi on X. "So this decision really is for the best.

For all those who have showered us with love, I hope you enjoy the finale! And remember - stories never die. #Barzakh." On Tuesday, Zindagi announced the removal of its hit series from YouTube Pakistan starting August 9, aiming for the twin goal of both acquiescing to those who objected to the show but simultaneously leaving fans with enough time to catch the finale, which aired on August 6.

"We, at Zindagi and Team Barzakh, extend our heartfelt gratitude to our global audience for their unwavering support," read the message. "But in light of the current public sentiment in Pakistan, we have decided to voluntarily withdraw Barzakh from YouTube Pakistan, effective August 9, 2024. This decision underscores our dedication to honouring our audiences without causing alienation.

We sincerely appreciate your understanding and continued support. Thank you." Seeing things within context The decision to remove Barzakh from YouTube has highlighted how polarising unconventional content can be when presented to local audiences.

Prior to its release, fa.