Editor's note: The text of the speech below is as prepared. His actual delivery may have varied. Thank you, Vice President Kamala Harris, for putting your trust in me and for inviting me to be part of this incredible campaign.

Thank you to President Joe Biden for four years of strong, historic leadership. And it is the honor of my life to accept your nomination for vice president of the United States. We’re all here tonight for one beautiful, simple reason—we love this country! So thanks to all of you here in Chicago and watching at home tonight—for your passion, for your determination, for the joy that you’re bringing to this fight.

I grew up in the small town of Butte, Nebraska, population 400. I had 24 kids in my high school class and none of ’em went to Yale. Growing up in a small town like that, you learn to take care of each other.

The family down the road—they may not think like you do, they may not pray like you do, they may not love like you do, but they’re your neighbors. And you look out for them, just like they do for you. Everybody belongs, and everybody has a responsibility to contribute.

For me, it was serving in the Army National Guard. I joined up two days after my 17th birthday and I proudly wore our country’s uniform for 24 years. My dad, a Korean War-era veteran, died of lung cancer a couple years later and left behind a mountain of medical debt.

Thank God for Social Security survivor benefits. And thank God for the GI Bill that allowed bot.