Together again! More than a decade after the end of What Not to Wear, Stacy London and Clinton Kelly are reuniting in a new show for Prime Video . But don’t expect the same finger-wagging about fashion don’ts from the hosts. In Wear Whatever The F You Want , London and Kelly will encourage people to embrace their own unique sense of style.

‘The world has changed,’ Stacy London and Clinton Kelly say What Not to Wear aired on TLC from 2003 to 2013 . On the show, London and Kelly stepped in to rescue a fashion victim from their own worst impulses. Friends, family, and co-workers nominated people to appear on the show.

A camera crew would secretly film the nominee, capturing all their sartorial errors. The unsuspecting person would then be ambushed by Kelly and London, who’d offer them $5,000 to spend on a new wardrobe, with guidance from the two experts. But there was a catch.

The What Not to Wear pair had free rein over the style felons’s closet and could toss any items that didn’t meet their exacting standards. While London and Kelly wanted people who ended up on What Not to Wear to feel more attractive and confident after their interventions, the show could sometimes feel meanspirited. The new show will have a different tone, they said.

“The world has changed a lot since the run of What Not to Wear , and, thankfully, so have we,” Kelly and London said in a statement. “These days, we have zero interest in telling people what to do, based on society’s norm.