All aerial vehicles tested well. The main rehearsal for the St Stephen's Day air parade was held in Budapest over the Danube. The H145M, H225M and Mi-24 rotorcraft of the MH Kiss Jozsef 86th Helicopter Brigade and the two Zlin-143 aircraft performed with flying colors.

At this point nothing stands in the way of a spectacular air parade on August 20, when audiences will also be dazzled by the addition of Gripen fighter jets flying in from Kecskemet Air Base. The show will take place from 9 to 10 am over the Danube on the section between the Chain and Margaret Bridges. Cover photo: St Stephen's Day Air Parade rehearsal in Budapest (Photo: Hungarian Defense Forces/Tunde Racz) A téma legfrissebb hírei ELTE University Continues to Rank Highly The university has been ranked highly in two international higher education rankings.

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Újabb fejlemények a kisfiút felrúgó karateedző ügyében Lecsap a vihar, kiadták a riasztást + videó „A szívem a torkomban dobogott, szinte éreztem, ahogy közelednek” – könnyeivel küszködve adta át a ku.