Churches and individuals have been called upon to help promote liturgical music, which seems to be suffering neglect due to the advent of new genres of music. The appeal was made at the 25th anniversary of St. Cecilia Choir, Ss Joachim and Anne Catholic Church, Ijegun in Alimosho Local Council, Lagos State.

In his opening address, the Choirmaster, Michael Onoh, lamented that except the Forum for the Inculturation of Liturgical Music (FILM), where Nigerian universities’ Catholic students’ choirs gather every two years, liturgical music has been relegated to the background. He asserted that sacred music and journalism are one of the immortal vacations, which is the consolation of choristers, amid the challenges they face. “Amid the challenges, we are consoled that in our home beyond, what we do here will be among the three last vocations.

You may doubt it, but only musicians, soldiers and journalists are needed in heaven. While the Choir of Angels sing unto God (see Rev 4:8-11), Angel Michael leads soldiers to fight demons (see Rev 12:7–10) and Angel Gabriel leads journalists to spread news/information (see Luke 1.26-38),” he said.

According to Onoh, looking forward to addressing part of the challenges, St Cecilia Choir has a bold plan to improve liturgical singing in the parish by embarking on the revitalisation of the sound system in the parish. The event, which is used to raise funds for the purchase of musical equipment for the parish’s new worship edifice, coin.