Bollywood legend Shah Rukh Khan was honoured with a career achievement award at the 77th Locarno Film Festival on Saturday. The Bollywood superstar, who was being felicitated in a grand ceremony in Locarno’s Piazza Grande, reportedly drew in a large crowd of about 8,000 fans. Looking sharp in a suit and button-down shirt, SRK debuted a new longer hairdo on the red carpet.

At the ceremony, the actor roused the audience with a powerful acceptance speech that blended humour and heartfelt reflections on cinema. In his speech going viral on social media, Khan expressed his gratitude for the warm reception, playfully referencing his iconic on-screen pose. “Thank you all for welcoming me with such wide arms – wider than the ones I do on screen,” he quipped.

Khan acknowledged the huge fan turnout to cheer him on, saying, “So many people stuffed up in a little square and so hot. It’s just like being home in India.” Shifting to a more serious tone, the actor shared his thoughts on the power of cinema.

"I truly believe cinema has been the most profound and influential artistic medium of our age," he stated. Reflecting on his illustrious career, he noted, "I’ve had the privilege of being part of this for many years, and this journey has taught me a few lessons." Asserting that “Art is the act of affirming life above all.

It goes beyond every man-made boundary into a space of liberation," he further elaborated, "Art and cinema only need to say what it feels from the hear.