Sri Lanka, the resplendent island nation, has captivated travellers for centuries with its stunning beaches, ancient temples, and lush hill country. But beyond the beauty lies a newfound focus on sustainable practices, making it a haven for eco-conscious tourists and a leader in responsible tourism. My recent trip to Sri Lanka unveiled a country where delicious food goes hand-in-hand with environmental responsibility.

From Food Safety to Food Sovereignty The island's journey towards sustainable gastronomy began with a commitment to food safety. Collaborations with organizations like UNIDO and NORAD play a crucial role in establishing international food safety standards. This not only bolstered public health but also paved the way for a thriving food industry.

Sri Lanka's vision extends beyond mere safety. The concept of "food sovereignty" - the right to healthy, culturally appropriate food produced sustainably - is taking root. This empowers local communities and ensures a future where food security and tradition go hand-in-hand, ensuring the well-being of both locals and tourists alike.

My first encounter with the country's commendable sustainability endeavours was in SriLankan Airlines - on my way to Sri Lanka. Richard Nuttall, the CEO of Sri Lankan Airlines said, "SriLankan Airlines prioritizes reducing its carbon footprint with industry-leading practices in fuel efficiency, carbon emission monitoring, and landfill waste reduction through our 'Mathaka' upcycling project. A.