The warm weather is bringing with it a swarm of spiders as experts say the creatures are set to invade our kitchens and bathrooms. Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters For many people in the UK, it's a time of year to be dreaded - spider season. If you're an arachnophobe, you might want to make note that spiders are set to invade homes as mating season begins.

This will see the eight-legged creatures hanging around until October, but thankfully experts have come to the rescue. The team at Magnet Trade reveal that it's the kitchen and bathroom in particular that spiders are coming for. Paul Strong, a store operations manager at Magnet Trade, said: "Like all species, spiders need water and moisture to survive.

", reports the Express . "From sinks and dishwashers to the warmth given off from appliances, it's the kitchen and bathroom that create the perfect moist environment to draw them in. Although they are mostly harmless, we don't want crawlers contaminating our food or creeping up on us in the bathroom.

" "Supermarkets charge anything from £5-£11 for spider repellent. Using natural tricks to do the work for you is not only cheaper, but the chemical-free method makes your home look and smell amazing.'' So, let's take a look at how we can say goodbye to those pesky spiders - it turns out that on.