Here's a look at all the major comic book characters created by legendary artist Steve Ditko. Captain Atom Ditko's first major superhero creation was the original Captain Atom. Co-created with writer Joe Gill at Charlton Comics, this version of the hero debuted in 1960's Space Adventures #33.

Ditko wouldn't truly leave his mark on the character, however, until after he left Marvel Comics and returned to Charlton several years later. Spider-Man This is undoubtedly Ditko's most popular and enduring contribution to the comic book industry. While Spider-Man began life as another collaboration between Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, Lee turned to Ditko instead, hoping for a character more down-to-earth and ordinary than Kirby's fantastical creations.

Ditko more than delivered, conceiving Spider-Man as a timid, nerdy teenager given both great power and great responsibility. The Spider-Man Supporting Cast Ditko is also responsible for co-creating many of the most iconic supporting characters in the Spider-Man franchise, several of whom debuted right alongside Peter Parker in 1962's Amazing Fantasy #15. That includes Aunt May and Uncle Ben, cranky newspaper man J.

Jonah Jameson, Peter's nemesis Flash Thompson and early love interests like Betty Brant and Gwen Stacy. Spider-Man's Villains Short of batman, no superhero boasts as large and varied a rogues gallery as Spider-Man. And Ditko created many of Spidey's most iconic enemies during his 40-issue run on Amazing Spider-Man.

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