Sphen, a gentoo penguin who became globally famous for his long-standing same-sex relationship with another male, died earlier this month in Sydney, Australia, at the age of 11. Sphen and his 9-year-old partner Magic became “international queer icons” after they paired up and started building a nest together at Sea Life Sydney Aquarium in 2018, writes the New York Times ’ Isabella Kwai. The couple successfully hatched two chicks together after keepers gave them foster eggs to incubate.

Their relationship was featured in the Netflix series “Atypical,” and large, inflatable replicas of the two dads appeared on a float in Sydney’s 2021 Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras parade. (The real birds couldn’t join because temperatures were too high.) Their story has been included in Australian schoolbooks to teach children about sexuality, consent and relationships.

“Sphen and Magic’s love story captivated the world,” Richard Dilly, the aquarium’s general manager, says in a statement, per the Associated Press ’ Rod McGuirk. “Sphen and Magic shared a bond unlike most other penguin couples—they could even be found together outside of the breeding season, which is unique for gentoo penguins.” As he approached his 12th birthday, Sphen’s health started to deteriorate.

The aquarium euthanized Sphen to ease him of any discomfort or pain. After Sphen died, keepers brought Magic to see the body so that he would understand his companion wouldn’t be coming back. Upon see.