Residents of a Menorcan village dubbed the ‘Spanish Mykonos’ have rejected a feared tourist ban. Although around 30 per cent of picture-postcard Binibeca Vell’s 195 homeowners wanted a total prohibition on outside visitors 24/7, a modification of visiting restriction times ended up being agreed at a meeting on Friday night. Advertisement The holidaymaker veto was said to be on the cards ahead of the vote after locals chained off the 22 entrances to their community at nighttime earlier this year.

Residents voted to put restrictions in place after visitors flocked back to Menorca following the end of the Covid pandemic. Some selfie-hunting holidaymakers ended up trampling through private properties in tourist attraction Benibeca Vell, a privately-owned community, although it is widely described as a village, and interrupting their rest times. Since May 1st, visitors were only allowed to access its streets between 11am and 8pm and a tightening of restrictions had been talked about.

Advertisement Advertisement Confirming the result of the vote at an annual general meeting, Oscar Monge, president of the Community of Property Owners in Binibeca Vell on Menorca’s southern coast, said: “The result by unanimity is for a visiting timetable of 10am to 10pm with no entry charge.” As well as certifying the tourist mecca would remain open during the daytime for the estimated 800,000 tourists a year who visit, Mr Monge’s announcement also put any possibility holidaymakers coul.