Gavin Ballantine completed all of Scotland's 282 Munros alongside his seven-year-old Spaniel, Monty, on Saturday. Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters A Spaniel who had half of a lung removed as a pup has successfully completed all of Scotland's 282 Munros . Seven-year-old Monty conquered his final Munro on the Isle of Mull alongside his owner Gavin Ballantine, 40, on Saturday.

It took the pair four years to complete their journey as they amassed 1,455 miles of trekking across 640 hours. Their elevation gain was the equivalent of hiking Mount Everest 17 and a half times. Gavin, from Culross in Fife , told the Record: "It has been a tremendous effort from Monty and I'm really proud of him.

I believe he is only the 20th dog to complete all of Scotland's Munros. "I would never have started - let alone completed - my Munro round without him." The duo took up hiking in 2018 when Monty was a pup as Gavin admitted it was "impossible" to tire time out.

Gavin says his Spaniel could be walked for hours-on-end yet still be full of energy when they got home. He said: "It was impossible to tire him out - we tried everything. He just had too much energy.

We'd come in from a three-hour walk and he'd still be up to high doh. "One day, completely exasperated, I decided to take him up Ben Narnain and that seemed.