Monday, September 9, 2024 Spain experienced a significant surge in domestic tourism following the coronavirus pandemic, as citizens aimed to make up for time lost during lockdowns and travel limitations. Additionally, many took the opportunity to indulge in the savings accumulated during the global health crisis. Tourism trends in Spain are gradually shifting back to pre-pandemic norms, as recent data reveals.

The initial post-pandemic surge in domestic tourism, which saw Spaniards exploring their own country more than ever, appears to be slowing down. With the easing of restrictions and the return of international travel, the focus seems to be shifting once again toward outbound tourism, leaving domestic numbers slightly behind. The shift marks a notable change from the strong domestic travel activity that characterized the pandemic recovery period.

In the first seven months of 2024, Spain witnessed a slight drop in domestic tourist numbers compared to the same period in 2023. The total number of domestic travelers from January to July fell from 41.37 million in 2023 to 40.

98 million in 2024, according to data published by the Spanish newspaper El País. This decrease, though marginal, highlights a potential shift in travel behaviors as more people look beyond Spain’s borders for their holiday destinations. While the decline in domestic tourism may be minimal, it raises questions about the sustainability of the post-pandemic tourism boom within Spain.

Many Spaniards, who .