Southern state claims to be 'most pro-life' in the US but has highest rates of maternal and infant deaths DO YOU HAVE A HEALTH-RELATED STORY? WE'D LOVE TO HEAR IT, GET IN TOUCH: HEALTH@DAILYMAIL.COM By Maiya Focht Health Reporter For Dailymail.Com Published: 19:50, 27 August 2024 | Updated: 19:52, 27 August 2024 e-mail View comments A US state claiming to be the most pro-life in America is also home to some of the highest death rates for pregnant woman and babies, statistics show.

Arkansas , which banned abortions unless the mother's life is in danger, has the third highest infant mortality rate in the US, with 7.7 infants dying per 1,000 live births, compared to the US national average of 5.6.

It also has the fourth highest maternal mortality rate - about 38 per 100,000 mothers, compared to the nationwide average of 23. Experts attribute the high death rates to tightened abortion laws as well as an exodus of OB-GYNs, causing birthing clinics to shut down. Those that are still standing have severe staffing shortages, and there is widespread confusion among mothers about where they can receive their prenatal care.

Additionally, poor sex education and lack of accessible birth control has led to higher-than-average rates of teen pregnancy and pregnancy complications. 'If we really say to the world we’re pro-life, we need to put our money where our mouth is and make sure these women are treated and have the care they need,' state representative Aaron Pilkington, a republican, t.