Residents of Edmonton’s Allard neighbourhood were left feeling frustrated after benches and a crossing bridge were removed from their local park. The structures were built and restored by Allard resident Chris Bonde during the COVID-19 pandemic. “COVID destroyed so many people mentally that it’s nice to have a place to just go and watch a beaver float down the creek,” Chris told CityNews.

“So to have a place, a sanctuary, where people can go hang out, I saw value in it.” Chris built the first bench in 2020, then added two more on hills within the park. They were welcomed by members of the community.

“The kids love to come here and sit on the benches and look around. It’s beautiful here,” June, who lives in Allard, told CityNews. The response was so positive that residents even sent the Bondes a gift after the first bench was built – photos of them enjoying the bench.

There was even a proposal there. “People cared about these benches,” Chris’ wife Jessica said. “They appreciated it.

” Chris and Jessica were shocked after the city removed the benches on July 21. They feel the city should have at least let the community know before taking them down. “That was very sad,” Jessica recounted.

“It was frustrating for us because we weren’t here. If we were home, we would at least went out there asking questions. Who were these hurting?” June added: “Today was the first time I was like, ‘yeah where’s that little bench over there?’ That’s.