Advertisement The style icon Sonam Kapoor recently gave a tour of her beautiful home in a recent interview. While, the actress’s massive house wowed the internet, one user shared a snippet of the video, highlighting the presence of a balti in Sonam’s house. In the Architectural Digest India video and coverinterview, Sonam was seen showing off her massive flat, which she lives with her husband Anand Ahuja, and their son Vayu.

In the interview video, Sonam can be seen talking about her bar area, which seems to have many glass vases along with a balti that was filled with flowers. The balti has caught the fan’s attention and this has become a viral topic as a fan shared a short clip from the impeccably-curated, India-inspired celebrity home with the caption, ” Sonam’s home probably had just one item that seemed affordable – a ‘steel balti (bucket)”. To say that Sonam Kapoor’s Mumbai home is beautiful is an understatement.

The actor, who shares the massive flat with her husband Anand Ahuja, and their son Vayu, gave a tour of her home in a recent Architectural Digest India video and cover interview. A fan shared a short clip from the impeccably-curated, India-inspired celebrity home, and said Sonam’s home probably had just one item that seemed affordable – a ‘steel balti (bucket)’. Sonam was heard saying in the clip, “This is actually an old Indian balti or bucket.

.. these balties were basically used to have a bath.

So, I use it as a vase in the house a.