Cross pendants have taken over the fashion world this season, with everyone from Bollywood's style icon Sonam Kapoor to global sensation Kim Kardashian adorning these iconic pieces of jewellery. The trend, which has made a major comeback, is not just popular among celebrities but is also being adopted by renowned designers like Sabyasachi, who are putting their unique spin on the accessory. Let’s deep dive into how this trend started and what we’re seeing in today’s fashion scene.

A post shared by Sabyasachi (@sabyasachiofficial) History of cross pendants in fashion The origins of cross pendants in fashion can be traced back to the ‘80s and '90s, when they were a staple for rock stars and musicians. Crucifixes and rosaries were frequently worn by members of rock bands, becoming an essential part of the rebellious rock-and-roll aesthetic. However, it was pop sensation Madonna who made the cross pendant iconic in 1989, when she used the devotional object as a symbol of rebellion in her music video "Like a Prayer.

" A post shared by Kim Kardashian (@kimkardashian) Though the trend faded, it has made a stunning return in recent years, with celebrities and designers bringing fresh twists to this age-old piece of jewellery. Kim Kardashian, in particular, revived the cross pendant trend, wearing an amethyst and diamond necklace that was famously worn by Princess Diana in 1987, instantly popularising the accessory once again. A post shared by Kim Kardashian (@kimkardashian) Cr.