Senior actor Sonam Khan has often expressed her admiration for the late actress Divya Bharti , acknowledging her immense talent and the promising future that lay ahead of her. Sonam frequently reflects on Bharti's vibrant on-screen presence and her natural charm in every role. Although Bharti’s career and life were tragically cut short, Sonam recognizes the significant impact she made on the film industry and the void left by her untimely death.

In a recent interview with Bollywood Bubble, Sonam shared her sorrow over Bharti’s passing, noting that she had been a very nice girl and would have been at the top if she were alive today. Sonam described the accident that took Bharti’s life as deeply upsetting, remarking that it should never have happened, but accepting that nothing could be done now. Sonam also disclosed that Bharti had originally been chosen for the lead role in Mohra , a film directed by Sonam's ex-husband, Rajiv Rai .

However, after Bharti's sudden demise, the role went to Raveena Tandon . The film featured Akshay Kumar , Suniel Shetty , and Naseeruddin Shah . A starry store launch in the city Recalling the past, Sonam mentioned that Rajiv had signed Bharti for Mohra, and shooting had already begun before her death.

At the time, Sonam was about eight months pregnant with her son, and she remembered speaking to Bharti just days before she passed away. Reflecting on their last conversation, Sonam recounted how Bharti had told her to look at the moon, predict.